11 Vote

Detach keys in kubernetes


Ctrl-p generally used to get the last executed command in linux world.

Ctrl-p and ctrl-q is used in containers for exiting out of container. So ctrl-p is not working as expected in container. Customer changed docker config as mentioned in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20828657/docker-change-ctrlp-to-something-else and it is working as expected from container.

But when customer tried the same from pod it’s still using ctrl-p & ctrl-q even after the docker config change.

Looks like the detach keys not available in Kubernetes and this is a feature request according to
  • Guest
  • Aug 20 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Sep, 2019 06:46pm

    +1 , please provide this feature , It is needed for our cloudops environment in Juniper Networks

  • Guest commented
    20 Aug, 2019 08:22pm

    I'm from juniper networks and need this for our developers. Please make this happen ASAP