In a recent scenario, Easyflex needed to update the MetalLB CIDR range for one of their clusters and was unable to do so without involving Platform9 support.
The customer initially attempted to update the ConfigMap with this change, but would get overwritten with the values set in the Qbert database.
We were able to update the Qbert DB manually:
mysql> UPDATE clusters SET metallbCidr = '' WHERE uuid = '8c842892-78d8-4c4e-b761-7d4a6a9ae014';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0{code}
and everything works as expected.
However, the customer would like for admins to be able to make changes such as this without having to involve support. In his own words:
{quote}it would be very welcome if in the future these kind of
settings could be changed by the admin of the cluster. I understand that
not everything is easily changed but settings like MetalLB CIDR (or even
the Virtual IP Address) would be very welcome.{quote}
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I ran into this exact same limitation and had to manually update the database.