Add "Launch More Like This" functionality for prior created Openstack instances in our UI

Although creating multiple instances at a time is possible through our "+ New VM Instance" wizard, it would be nice to have either a button or tooltip option to "clone" instances after they have been created, similar to what AWS provides.

Proposal for a workflow that sounds good in my head:
* Clicking said button or tooltip item would bring the user back into the same wizard with everything pre-filled with information attained from the source instance (image to use, volume layout, security groups, SSH key, etc.etc.).
* An additional wizard page at the end would provide a field to specify the number of additional instances and, if possible, a customizable naming scheme for the new instances (i.e. you spun up "consul1" before, and you specified 2 more instances like this, so "consul2" and "consul3").
* The wizard would then simply make one nova API request per new instance.
  • Guest
  • Jun 3 2019
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